As I mentioned yesterday, last night we had our second house party here in Worli. I'm not one to rely on hyperbole, but I'm pretty sure that it was the most amazingest party in the history of that apartment. Yes, I know that amazingest isn't a word, and no - I don't care.
As with the last party, I feel that it's an appropriate time to give some shout outs to some of my favorites and call out some people who are in the doghouse. So, without further ado:
To my flatmate Klam - I forgive you for falling asleep 3 hours before the party ended. Hopefully you can forgive me for waking you up at 3 am to retrieve the bags of departing guests who had left their belongings in your room...
To whomever got chocolate frosting from a cupcake all over my laptop, thank you. I really appreciated that dose of chocolate in my morning as I was cleaning it off....with my tongue. (not really - just my fingers...which I then licked. Is that gross?)
To the owners of Cafe Zoe - you made our night! The cups that you provided were perfect for beer pong, which was a big hit with the crowd last night. My friends and I promise to show our gratitude for your generosity by continuing to patronize your establishment, even after Ami and Kevin got food poisoning.
To the manager of the Starbucks in my office building - thank you for entertaining our crazy request for 40 of your grande iced tea cups, and for actually allocating your employees' time to using a magic marker to cover up the Starbucks logo before handing them over. I understand that you were facing marketing and branding issues by risking having your cups be associated with (slightly juvenile) American drinking games, and we appreciate you taking the risk. We actually didn't end up using those cups last night, since we had more of the Zoe cups, but I'm sure we'll put them to good use soon.
To my friend Sunandan - I think we can all agree that the singalong you led on the balcony was one of the highlights of the night. Next time, bring your guitar. Seriously.
To Joanne - I'm sorry for telling you to shut your mouth when Sunandan was singing. Let's be honest, though - he's a lot better than you are. (Just realized that this is possibly one of the worst apologies I've ever given - sorry about that...)
To Mr. Harmless Sociopath - we're done. For realsies. While I understand that our dating was casual and non-exclusive, you crossed the line when you hit on one of my friends and asked to take her out to a play. Clearly one of your "moves" is offering to take (admittedly awesome) women to plays to impress them with your level of culture and sophistication, which now has been revealed to be mere fraudulent pretence. Did you really expect her not to tell me about this? Moron. Also, your stupid line that "every face has a story and yours tells me that you're a lover of the arts" is so cheesy that I threw up in my mouth a little bit when she repeated it to me. Don't ever say that again, to anyone, ever.
To the townspeople of Worli (or St. Petersburg???) who achieved an unheard of 100% success rate in killing mafiosos, tell me again - how exactly did that happen?
To the mafiosos who killed me last night - didn't your mothers ever tell you it's rude to murder your hostess?
To Praveer - you're no longer on my shit list...mostly because I can't remember what it was you said last night that made me put you on it. Plus you give me enough free publicity for my blog that I really can't stay mad at you for long...even though I'm pretty sure I was only jokingly mad at you last night.
To Yummy - we will have a beer pong rematch. And this time, I will win.
To the cleaning crew in our apartment - I'm truly sorry for the mess we left you today. I promise to give you a big tip for scrubbing congealed beer off our floors. At least we didn't ruin any towels this time, though!
To all of the party attendees - thank you for finishing up the wine! This was the ostensible reason behind the party, and we succeeded! Hooray! Unfortunately, you didn't do as good of a job of finishing up the beer that we over-ordered, so now we're going to have to have another Leftover Booze Party to finish up the stuff we have left over from last night. Is anyone else loving the pattern that's emerging here?
UPDATE: To the person who turned my air conditioning off - again - at last night's party - you're getting sneakier. This time you actually turned the knob on the unit off rather than the power switch like last time. What exactly do you have against me sleeping in an air conditioned room? Or is this your version of being a prankster? Actually, now that I think about it, this sounds like one of Joanne's pranks. I'm totally going to ask her about it tomorrow...
As with the last party, I feel that it's an appropriate time to give some shout outs to some of my favorites and call out some people who are in the doghouse. So, without further ado:
To my flatmate Klam - I forgive you for falling asleep 3 hours before the party ended. Hopefully you can forgive me for waking you up at 3 am to retrieve the bags of departing guests who had left their belongings in your room...
To whomever got chocolate frosting from a cupcake all over my laptop, thank you. I really appreciated that dose of chocolate in my morning as I was cleaning it off....with my tongue. (not really - just my fingers...which I then licked. Is that gross?)
To the owners of Cafe Zoe - you made our night! The cups that you provided were perfect for beer pong, which was a big hit with the crowd last night. My friends and I promise to show our gratitude for your generosity by continuing to patronize your establishment, even after Ami and Kevin got food poisoning.
To the manager of the Starbucks in my office building - thank you for entertaining our crazy request for 40 of your grande iced tea cups, and for actually allocating your employees' time to using a magic marker to cover up the Starbucks logo before handing them over. I understand that you were facing marketing and branding issues by risking having your cups be associated with (slightly juvenile) American drinking games, and we appreciate you taking the risk. We actually didn't end up using those cups last night, since we had more of the Zoe cups, but I'm sure we'll put them to good use soon.
To my friend Sunandan - I think we can all agree that the singalong you led on the balcony was one of the highlights of the night. Next time, bring your guitar. Seriously.
To Joanne - I'm sorry for telling you to shut your mouth when Sunandan was singing. Let's be honest, though - he's a lot better than you are. (Just realized that this is possibly one of the worst apologies I've ever given - sorry about that...)
To Mr. Harmless Sociopath - we're done. For realsies. While I understand that our dating was casual and non-exclusive, you crossed the line when you hit on one of my friends and asked to take her out to a play. Clearly one of your "moves" is offering to take (admittedly awesome) women to plays to impress them with your level of culture and sophistication, which now has been revealed to be mere fraudulent pretence. Did you really expect her not to tell me about this? Moron. Also, your stupid line that "every face has a story and yours tells me that you're a lover of the arts" is so cheesy that I threw up in my mouth a little bit when she repeated it to me. Don't ever say that again, to anyone, ever.
To the townspeople of Worli (or St. Petersburg???) who achieved an unheard of 100% success rate in killing mafiosos, tell me again - how exactly did that happen?
To the mafiosos who killed me last night - didn't your mothers ever tell you it's rude to murder your hostess?
To Praveer - you're no longer on my shit list...mostly because I can't remember what it was you said last night that made me put you on it. Plus you give me enough free publicity for my blog that I really can't stay mad at you for long...even though I'm pretty sure I was only jokingly mad at you last night.
To Yummy - we will have a beer pong rematch. And this time, I will win.
To the cleaning crew in our apartment - I'm truly sorry for the mess we left you today. I promise to give you a big tip for scrubbing congealed beer off our floors. At least we didn't ruin any towels this time, though!
To all of the party attendees - thank you for finishing up the wine! This was the ostensible reason behind the party, and we succeeded! Hooray! Unfortunately, you didn't do as good of a job of finishing up the beer that we over-ordered, so now we're going to have to have another Leftover Booze Party to finish up the stuff we have left over from last night. Is anyone else loving the pattern that's emerging here?
UPDATE: To the person who turned my air conditioning off - again - at last night's party - you're getting sneakier. This time you actually turned the knob on the unit off rather than the power switch like last time. What exactly do you have against me sleeping in an air conditioned room? Or is this your version of being a prankster? Actually, now that I think about it, this sounds like one of Joanne's pranks. I'm totally going to ask her about it tomorrow...
hey thank you! it'll be great if you can have the next one on a Friday night...