Monday, 15 July 2013

Top 10 Reasons I'm excited to go home

Today was a travel day so there's not much to report. I learned that the Kolkata airport actually adheres to more security measures than other domestic airports (they confiscated my water bottle), and received one of the worst massages of my life during my layover (note to masseuses: just because you are Thai does not mean you can automatically give a proper Thai massage). Aside from that, there's not much to report. On my flight, I contemplated how this is my last incoming flight into Mumbai (for a while) and how I'm heading back to the states in a few short days. While I have had such a wonderful time here and am increasingly sad at the prospect of leaving, I have a lot to look forward to upon my arrival back home. With that in mind, I thought I'd dedicate a post to those things...

The top 10 reasons I'm excited to go home:

10. Proving Chris Kohler wrong. My dear brother-in-law bet me that I would come back from my time in India married. He is one of those people that I get immense satisfaction from proving wrong, and it will be plain to see that I am returning with no ring on my left hand. I can't wait to rub my victory in his face :) (love you CK)

9. Clean streets. Chicago is a wonderfully clean city by global standards, and I've been spending my time in some very dirty cities lately. In the past 5 days alone, I've seen no fewer than 8 different sentient beings doing their business on the streets and sidewalks of local cities. Two dogs, one cow, and five different people. Three were adult men using the world as their restroom, but there were two small children, each naked from the waist down, that I witnessed very graphically relieving themselves in the middle of crowded streets. One was a little girl, which made it all the more graphic. The worst was the small naked toddler whose mother was holding him by the arms as he kind of swayed and sprayed. I'm not saying that I would eat off the streets of Chicago, but it will be nice to be back in a city that fines people for not curbing their dogs and where the authorities would have some serious words with the parents of those children.

8. My pillow-top mattress. One of the simplest pleasures in life is climbing into a luxuriously comfortable bed. My bed here has been sufficient to serve its purpose, but it just doesn't compare to what's waiting for me at home. I see myself dramatically flopping myself on my down comforter repeatedly as a way of reacquainting myself with the most comfortable bed in the world (according to my completely unbiased opinion). 

7. Summer weather that's worth looking forward to. Summer is arguably the best season in Chicago. The sunshine, outdoor activities, beaches, barbecues, and beautiful scenery can attest to that. By comparison, summer weather here in Mumbai is either oppressively hot or pouring rain. I'm ready to start enjoying the Chicago style summer :)

6. Lake houses. My first few weeks back home will be spent at my family's lake houses. I'm excited to go waterskiing, sailing, jet skiing, and take sunset pontoon boat cruises. The lazy atmosphere at each lake will be the perfect environment for me to get over the jet lag, too...

5. Stratford theater festival with G&G. I know this doesn't count as something that's "at home" but I'm really excited to go see some world class quality theater with my grandparents. I grew p going to this Canadian theater festival with them and haven't been in years because of my work schedule. Im happy to have the opportunity to revive the tradition and spend some time with G&G as well.

4. Booth! Soon after my return, my MBA program activities will hit full swing. I'm going to Ecuador for a week with classmates, will be attending orientation, selecting classes, and making new friends. There's a whole lot to look forward to in the next two years, actually...

3. Family time. I have a large and (at times) crazy family, but I love 'em and have missed spending time with them. For the first time in a long time, I will be spending nearly all of my time within close proximity to a large contingent of my family and look forward to everything that entails. Plus Mackenzie and Liz are getting married in a couple weeks, so you all know that's going to be a night to remember (and a great place for me to see a lot of people who I haven't seen in a while)!

2. Addison Grace Kohler. My future supermodel rocket scientist of a niece is growing up so fast, and I don't want to miss any more of it! Her vocabulary has expanded about 100x since I last saw her, and you all know that my first mission in Chicago will be to get her to say my name and recognize me once more as her favorite aunt (sorry K&M, but you'll need to move to Chicago to make this a fair fight)

1. Tiki. This really requires no further explanation. 


  1. i had to read this to see who won numero uno. the puppy with that accolade is currently sleeping next to my feet -- after barking like a crazy dog for about an hour at jordan and colin and swimming in their pool yesterday, her nap is well deserved in prep for her favorite human to come home next week!

  2. Don't forget about your surprise! That should make the top 10...
