Tonight was my going away party with my nearest and dearest (plus a few new faces). I've been so fortunate to meet great people and make such wonderful friends during my time here. I'm going to miss them all dearly in their own way, so I'm going to take the opportunity to give some shout outs to my favorites (in no particular order)...
Piya: I didn't expect to make such a great friend out of a random women's networking event, but am so thankful that I did. We've bonded over our obsessions with our dogs, similar world views and matching appreciation for sarcastic wit. I'm going to be seriously mad if you don't apply to Booth and come join me in Chicago...
Johanne: thank you for coming out to spend time with me tonight, even though you weren't feeling up to it. Your optimism and gregarious nature are infectious, and spending time with you has reminded me that it's sometimes better not to act your age but to follow your heart. You deserve only the best in life, and I'll keep reminding you of that every day :) Plus you've got some killer dance moves that I want to steal...
Richa: I wasn't sure that we'd be close when we first met, but in the end you've proven to be one of the most welcoming people I've met here. It's rare that I find a friend who is so easy to talk to and at the same time willing to jump in with a quip or joke that makes the whole room laugh. Also I think tonight we discovered your hidden talent for knocking over as many empty bottles as is humanly possible with a small scarf! I'll see you at the airport tomorrow as you chase me through the terminals and beg me not to go :)
Arunesh: I know you're even newer to the Indian firm than I am, but you've shown you can hold your own with the best of them during your short time here. Thank you for giving diplomatic fashion advice, supportive blog suggestions, and for the lovely going away gift. It was a complete surprise, and I was truly touched by your thoughtfulness. The next time I'm in India I expect you to have even further honed your sniper breathing beer pong skills. There will be a test - start preparing now...
Booth peeps: thankfully, our time together is just beginning, so this is more of a hello than a goodbye. Thanks to Sridatta and Tanmay for coming tonight to send me off and to all the others for your well wishes. Our fun times together will only continue from here on out...
Ritesh, Ginnie and Pavan: you three have been my escorts on countless evenings and have always made sure I'm having a good time, no matter the circumstances. I admit I can't keep up with your intense love of soccer, but watching the German game with you was one if the more memorable nights here in Mumbai. I love how you're always up for a social evening, despite your insane work schedules. It means a lot to me that you've been willing to leave work early to come hang out with me on so many weeknights. And Ritesh - I look forward to the day when I win our bet by coming back to Mumbai. You can take me out for tea as payment...
Apurva: We connected through one of the more random set of circumstances (private equity panel at the Four Seasons?), but I've been glad ever since that Praveer suggested you give me a ride home. After all, it takes a true friend to invite me over to his parents' house for cooking lessons with his mom when he won't even be there himself! You've been a wonderful tour guide and sparkling conversationalist. Plus if Jo gives you her seal of approval then clearly you're doing something right :) Good luck with the b-school application process - I expect many calls emails from you over the course of the next few months with regular updates, questions, and venting...
Isha: you were the first friend Ami and I made in the office, and I just can't picture what our time here would have been like without you. Yoga, shopping, pani puri...not to mention my first saree wearing experience ever! You are such a generous and caring friend, not to mention a fantastic multitasker who balances motherhood, marriage, and career with surprising aplomb. How exactly do you do it?
Sudeshna: Every time I talk to you, I'm impressed by your singular mix of sass and sweetness. Your smile brightens up every room you walk into, but at the same time I wouldn't ever want to get on your bad side. After all, your fierce stilettos could readily be used as weapons in a pinch :) you treat your friends with obvious and consistent kindness, and I'm thankful to be counted among them...
Vailina: I admire your spunk! You know what you want and won't let anything stand in your way. you speak your mind quickly and transparently, so that I'm never left guessing what you really think. Thanks again for the Indian dancing lessons - I plan to use them often :)
Stuti: thank you for the days of delicious home cooked food, accompanied by a soft word and a kind smile. I am pretty sure my taste buds will never be the same after tasting some of your Gujarati specialties, and I really hope our paths cross again soon...
Praneetha: Now here's a girl with enough common sense to spare! You continually impress me with your intellect and insight, plus your overall awesomeness. I'll never forget dancing in the rain with you in the streets of Goa and look forward to seeing you in London this weekend - yayyyyyy!
Sameer and Sunandan: you two gentlemen rock my world - literally! I've loved the late night chats about music, movies, soccer, and life in general. You consistently received the "farthest distance traveled" award when we hung out, which is just one of many examples of your selfless and loyal behavior with your friends. Sameer you were the first to bring us a housewarming gift, and Sunandan you brought our last party to the next level with your mad acapela skills. For these and many other things, thank you...
Kishore: you've come through in the clutch more than any other person in Mumbai! Need a bottle opener? Or some beer pong worthy cups? Kishore will hook you up. Thanks also for sharing the best balcony in Worli with us - enjoy it every day until you move back to the states!
Arnav: you have one of the quirkiest senses of humor I've ever come across, and I love (and slightly fear) it! You have earned the nickname of Mr. Foot Fetish, so wear it with pride. If anyone wants to know how you got that nickname, I'm sure you can fill them in on the details yourself...
Bryan: You may have gone to Kellogg rather than my future alma mater, but we can still be friends because you clearly have some superhuman patience, which I find an admirable quality. After all you must listen to Arnav talk about his feet for at least an hour a day. If patience like that isn't superhuman, I don't know what is...
Klam: where do I begin? I was nervous about rooming with a guy when I first arrived, but you've proven to be a better flatmate than most people, regardless of gender. You are the consummate gentleman and always look out for your friends, even to the point of sacrificing your own comfort to make sure others are taken care of. You're funny, sweet, and I know I can count on you to be there when I need a hug or some advice on men. Now hurry up and get on the Milwaukee project so we can hang out in Chicago!! Lemon bars should sweeten the deal (if my company wasn't enough incentive)...
Ami: you've already left but I couldn't write this post without including you in it. You've been my partner in crime from Day 1, and, to paraphrase Kelly Clarkson (and I'm guessing its a safe bet to say you love her music), my Mumbai experience would have sucked comparatively without you. You stepped into the role of a true and caring friend from the get-go and comforted me when I was coming to terms with my Australian friend's illness. Your charisma and charm have brought lots of new friends into our circle (or maybe it was just your proficiency in doing the Footloose dance - I guess we'll never know...). But seriously, I can't even begin to start listing the ways that you've brought my time here to the next level, and so I won't even try. Instead I'll just say this: nom nom Yummy in my tum tum.
Well, folks, it's been real. I expect ALL of you to plan trips to Chicago in the near future (the next 2 weeks would suffice), and know that I'll be there to show you as good a time in my hometown as you've shown me here. I will be sending out my US phone number to everyone today so that we can keep it touch (what's up whatsapp!) and expect regular contact from each and every one of you. For realsies. Or else I'll have to come to Mumbai and yell at you. Or maybe you'll just get a scathing blog post dedicated in your honor...